
Application of AI visual inspection system for wrong installation detection in electrical manufacturing industry

brief introduction:

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In labor-intensive enterprises, the problem to be solved urgently is to recruit suitable people who can work stably for a long time and produce high-quality products stably. Machine vision inspection technology has received extensive attention due to its outstanding advantages such as non-contact, fast speed, appropriate accuracy, strong on-site anti-interference ability, and long-term tirelessness. China is currently in the transition period from labor-intensive to technology intensive, and there is an extremely strong demand for using machine vision inspection technology to improve production efficiency and reduce labor costs.

Scheme introduction

application area

At present, machine vision recognition detection has been used in product shape, surface defect, assembly result detection and other fields, such as wood processing detection, metal surface visual detection, circuit board detection, weld defect detection, panel button installation detection, etc.

system composition

As the products in industrial production are very different, there is no uniform standard. Usually, it is the customized development of non-standard visual solutions. The visual inspection system framework provided by diffuse is as follows:

Significance value

Application case



方法:待檢設備放置監測臺,系統自動選擇產品型號調取對應模板,相機固定于旋轉臺上方,相機采集圖像,并同時進行 檢測對比。檢測方法基于“模版比對”,模版由標準產品創建,當無法與模版比對成功則說明產品有缺陷。

Debug picture

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